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Contact Us

Our resource centres are open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Please note emails are not monitored outside office hours. If you require help and support outside these hours, please contact the 24 Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Helpline.

Newry, Mourne & Down

Newry - Head Office

7 Downshire Place,
Newry, BT34 1DZ

Tel: 028 3025 0765

Opening hours: 9am-5pm

Email: admin@womensaidarmaghdown.org

Portadown Womens Resource Centre


53 William Street,
Portadown, BT62 3NX

Tel: 028 3839 7979

Opening hours: 9am-5pm

Email: admin@womensaidarmaghdown.org

Armagh Outreach Centre

Armagh Outreach

39 Abbey Street
BT61 7EB

Tel: 028 3839 7979

Opening hours: Appointment Only

Email: admin@womensaidarmaghdown.org

Find Your Local

If you are experiencing domestic abuse and need support or information, contact your local Women’s Aid group Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Antrim, Ballymena, Carrickfergus, Larne & Newtownabbey Women’s Aid

The Naomi Centre,
2 Cullybackey Road,
BT43 5D7

Tel: 028 2563 2136 Email: admin@womensaidabcln.org womens-aid.org.uk

Women’s Aid Federation NI

The Annex
30 Adelaide Park
Belfast BT9 6FY

Tel: 028 9024 9041 Email: info@womensaidni.org womensaidni.org

Armagh Down Women’s Aid

7 Downshire Place,
BT34 1DZ

Tel: 028 3025 0765 Tel: 028 3839 7979 Email: admin@womensaidarmaghdown.org womensaidarmaghdown.org

Belfast & Lisburn Women’s Aid

Women's Aid Federation Northern Ireland,
30 Adelaide Park

Tel: 028 9066 6049 Email: admin@belfastwomensaid.org.uk belfastwomensaid.org.uk

Causeway & Mid Ulster Women’s Aid – Causeway Office

23 Abbey Street
BT52 1DU

Tel: 028 7035 6573 Email: admin@cmuwa.org.uk causewayandmidulsterwomensaid.org.uk

Causeway & Mid-Ulster Women’s Aid – Mid Ulster Office

27 Old Coagh Road
BT80 8QG

Tel: 028 8676 9300 Email: admin@cmuwa.org.uk causewayandmidulsterwomensaid.org.uk

Fermanagh Women’s Aid

Safe Hands Centre
19 Darling Street
BT74 7DP

Tel: 028 6632 8898 Email: womensaidfermanagh@btopenworld.com fermanaghwomensaid.com

Foyle Women’s Aid

24 Pump Street
BT48 6JG

Tel: 028 7141 6800 Email: info@foylewomensaid.org foylewomensaid.org

North Down & Ards Women’s Aid

18 Bingham Street
BT20 5DW

Tel: 028 9127 3196 Email: info@ndawomensaid.org ndawomensaid.org

Omagh Women’s Aid

9 Holmview Terrace
BT79 0AH

Tel: 028 8224 1414 Email: info@omaghwomensaid.org omaghwomensaid.org