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Why doesn’t she just leave?.

Women stay in a relationship with their abuser for a range of reasons.

Some reasons she might not leave the relationship are:

  • She is frightened of what might happen if she tries to leave
  • She is worried for the safety of her children
  • She doesn’t have the money to support herself and/or her children on her own
  • She has nowhere safe to stay
  • She may still be in love with her partner

It is also important to know that leaving the relationship is the most dangerous time for the woman as the abuser feels they have lost or are losing control.

Isolation from friends and family is a common tactic used by abusers, so often when it comes to the point where they want to leave, they feel they can’t as they have nowhere and no-one to turn to.

Women in abusive relationships need support and understanding – not judgement.