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Women’s Aid Armaghdown offer a range of programmes for women who have or are experiencing domestic abuse.

Provides a safe and supportive group process to enable women to explore their experiences of domestic violence and to empower them to move on.
This programme aims to…
  • help women explore types of domestic violence
  • help women explore possible impact upon themselves and their children
  • enable women to examine processes and patterns of abuse
  • enable women to build self confidence, make informed choices and create positive change
  • encourage women to stop blaming themselves for the abuse they have suffered
  • empower women to look to the future with positivity and hope
  • assist women to examine differences between healthy and abusive relationships
  • promote safety planning and self help by encouraging women to explore safety strategies and options.
Enabling participants to better pilot their own lives.
This programme aims to…
  • to improve self-esteem, self- awareness and to provide emotional management and regulation techniques.
  • to promote more effective interpersonal skills
  • to provide tools to address better mental wellbeing.
This is a stand-alone course that is not gender specific and is not about the behaviours of others – it is about personal discovery and development.

The Amazing Mums programme recognises that there is no such thing as a perfect parent.
This programme is not to point out failures or faults but rather to strengthen your relationships with your children and your role as a parent.
As a parent you are the expert in relation to your own child and this course is about celebrating how amazing you all are.
Each child is individual, as is each parenting style and we recognise that one size does not fit all.  This course will enable you to pick up some tips and reaffirm what a good job you are already doing.