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Hope & Resilience

Launched a dedicated Wellbeing Programme in 2020. This programme provides opportunities beyond immediate crisis support, building women’s confidence, resilience and economic independence.

Wellbeing Programme

The Hope & Resilience Project (aka Wellbeing Program) offers support, befriending and educational resources to women who have experienced domestic abuse. It was originally planned as a response to the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns, however has flourished into a significant stepping stone to encourage and empower women!


“ The well-being project is really helping me move forward with my life and work towards achieving things I never got the chance to achieve. “

One-to-One Support

Regular confidential wellbeing support sessions with your community well-being worker.

Well-Being Buddies

A Well-being buddy is a trained volunteer who provides befriending support in the community, attending activities which have been proven to benefit your well-being.


  • Me & My Wellbeing
  • Me & My Family
  • Me & My future
  • Me & My Voice
  • Support groups / Coffee mornings
  • Walking groups
  • Creative Crafting
  • Mental health workshops
  • And much more….

What is a Wellbeing Buddy?

A Wellbeing Buddies role is to help women to build social support, increase their confidence, and establish links in their local community.

What do Wellbeing Buddies do?

After being matched to a woman with similar interests, the Wellbeing Buddy and the woman will usually meet each week to take part in an activity.

The difference you can make.

By volunteering as a Wellbeing Buddy you can help a woman to continue to make positive changes to her life by supporting her to make connections within the community and widen her social and wellbeing network.

“ I cannot speak highly enough of my Buddy! She has been the best support to me, she can get things out of me that no one else. She just really gets me. I look forward to talking to her every week. “